April 26, 2024

Welcome Mr. Cunningham! Introduction Letter

Dear Cental Lake Public Schools Community,

It is with great enthusiasm and a sense of privilege that I introduce myself as the new Superintendent of Schools at Central Lake Public Schools. My name is Dr. Ryan Cunningham, and I am eager to embark on this journey alongside the esteemed educators, dedicated staff, and vibrant community members that comprise this district.

My educational journey includes a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from Adrian College, further enriched by a Master of Arts and Doctor of Education in Educaltional Leadership from Eastern Michigan University. Over the last twenty-six years, I have had the honor of serving two Michigan public schools in various capacities, including 10 years an an elementary principal and 12-years as a school superintendent.

On a personal note, I am fortunate to be supported by my wonderful wife, Heather, who is also a teacher, and our two daughters, MacKenzie and Madison, both of whom have pursued careers in healthcare.

As I transition into my role as Superintendent, I am eager to establish myself within the Central Lake community and forge meaningful connections with our families. I believe in the power of collaboration and open communication, and I invite you to stop by and say hello. Your input and insights are invaluable as we work together to create a thriving educational environment for our students.

In closing, I am honored to join the Central Lake Public Schools family and am committed to leading with integrity, compassion, and dedication. Together, let us embark on a journey of excellence, innovation, and student-centered learning.

Warm regards,

Ryan Cunningham, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools, Central Lake Public Schools